
Thursday, September 30, 2010


Is there anything better...
...on a sunny day...on a rainy day...when your depressed...
...when your happy...

Thank you Dairy Queen!
Heath Bar
Pecan Cluster
What's your favorite?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I got off work early yesterday and was able to work outside most of the day.
I an truly loving this weather. We've gotten some rain over the last few days,
and everything seems to regenerated.
I'm working on an outdoor Fall project, I hope to post about within the next couple days.
In the mean time I snapped theses pictures so you can see what I'm seeing... my own backyard.

Happy Gardening.

Monday, September 27, 2010


I'd like to introduce you to our little designer dog, Daisy.
She is a Chihuahua/Dachshund Hybrid, better known as a Chiweenie.
(nickname: Mexican Hotdog)

She is a sweetheart around the family, but not a very social dog.
Very girlie and spoiled rotten.

She is a Sun Lover, if there is a patch of sunshine anywhere in the house,

that's where you'll find Daisy.

We got her from a gal whose boyfriend didn't like her, go figure.

We've always wondered if he was mean to her...SHE HATES MEN.

My Dad is the only man she cares for, but he's is a very special man.

She's our little girl, and we love her dearly.

Our Little Daisy Doo.

I'm linking today with Angela and her Show and Tail.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Summer has bid her farewells, so it's time for a change.

The weather has turned off cool here. It makes me want to add a few
simple Fall touches to my space.

Just a few fresh flowers of yellow, orange and coral.

I purchased five small pots of mums and added them to an old basket

for my table.

Spanish moss is a great way to hide the plastic pots and tray they're in.

This cute bird was made for me by my niece, I think it's a perfect add on

to my arrangement.

It will only get better as they start to open up,

until then, I'll enjoy the sweet buds.

Linking to Metamorphosis Mondays@
Happy Gardening.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


We live in a very eclectic neighborhood. Our home is in the historic
part of town and also near the University.
Some of our neighbors are the Pike boys.
Every year about this time they put a spit and shine on everything, getting
ready for their recruitment of new students.

Over the past year they have been on a mission to update their house.
They've refinished floors, added tile floors, installed a galley kitchen and more.

The latest is a new crest in stonework on the front of their house...
...I haven't made up my mind yet.
They tore out a side door and replaced it with their insignia.

Two weeks ago during their rush week, my sister and I got involved.
Their remodeling included the galley kitchen, but only with a microwave oven.
For two evenings in a row we heated up big pans of pulled pork and baked beans.

Of course they tell us they need it done thirty minutes before their crowd arrives,
good thing the Davidson sisters can turn on a dime.

It was fun though, I'm glad the boys feel comfortable enough with us to ask.

This picture is not very good, but I wanted you to see all the
excitement in the kitchen.

Here they are, our boys from across the street. We know some by name,

Matt and Colton, others just to say hi.
They keep us young!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Right before I went on vacation I ordered a print from etsy by Amber Alexander.

When I arrived home it was waiting for me.

I love cats and I love birds, the print was perfect for me.

When I ordered it, I didn't really have a place in mind...

...but I was thinking bedroom.
I knew it would be time to warm up the bedroom for Fall.

What tickled me, was Amber had included two small note cards just right for framing.
What a bonus! While on vacation we had gone to Ikea and I had purchased two small black
frames to have on hand. I couldn't resist them at two bucks a pop.
What a treat to get such a treasure at hardly no cost. I love it!

Here's my print, it's title, Tolerance.
Most of Amber's prints are of animals, but in a whimsical setting.
You can visit her site at etsy
Take a look, you'll be glad you did.

My new print.

In my new Fall bedroom.

All set for those cozy nights.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The cooler weather and the warmer colors that are starting to emerge outside are
putting me in the mood for Fall.
Now I'm not one to hurry time along, if there is anything
I've learned, is that time goes by way to fast.

I've been on the hunt for things outside

that can be brought in for the coming season.
I know Michael's does a big business, but I've found for me,
I can do just as well scouring my backyard and the neighborhood alleys.

My space is small, I have to be careful not to over do.
One thing I can not live without come Fall...
...lots of mums!

My sister and I headed out this past Saturday to my favorite local nursery,Vest.
It is a family business and they grow everything
in their own greenhouses.
I took along my camera, I knew there would be lots of
dramatic Fall colors
when we got to the Mum houses.

What a surprise I had!
Oh, there were rows and rows of mums, but no color.
Mrs. Vest, owner and operator told me that the mums were about three weeks later
due to the extreme heat we experienced over the Summer.

We purchased Nine and vowed to go back for more
in a few weeks.
I planted three in the backyard and the other six will find homes in pots on the front porch.

As we were leaving, we got a glance of coming attractions. Three or four houses of
Christmas Poinsettias, and that was only what we could see.

Can't wait for that picture.

Happy gardening to all.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The blue of the Chesapeake.

The blue of the Mediterranean

My sister's blue animal print bag for "going green".

Blue violets.

One of the very few, blue morning glories that actually came up.

My new blue gardening clogs.

The blue chair print that hangs in Susan's dining room.

A pot of blue flowers in my window.

Blue ceramic balls in my Grandmother's dough bowl.

The blue eye, protector.

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My pop of blue, in the garden.

This Summer has been full of blue.
I'm so very grateful.
Linking to Heart and Home.

Happy gardening