
Monday, November 29, 2010

Kate's Tree

We were so happy to have Kate home for the Thanksgiving
weekend. Now that she is graduated and living in
New York, we don't see her as often as we'd like.
The visit was sweet but way too short.
One of the things she did while she was home was decorate her tree
in the spare bedroom (her former room).

She does her tree all in reds, then adds her collection of
fairy ornaments.

They are lovely ornaments and make a gorgeous tree.

I wish she could be home more to enjoy it.
Her living arrangements in NY
are somewhat temporary, she doesn't have all the things
she loves around her to make her smile.

I know every time I look at her tree I will smile and think of her.

I will be linking to Metamorphasis Monday @
Between Naps On The Porch

My Romantic Home

Boring to Better @
Savvy Southern Style

Monday, November 22, 2010

Highlights From Our Sale

BEFORE this past weekend this was just another sweet little house on
Pine Street.
Two sisters and some great friends transformed it into a
Shopping Mecca for the Holiday shopper.

Ten Fiber artist & me participated in the project. I don't consider
myself one of the artist, but am sure glad they let me
play with them.
These are a few of the things I contributed.

We used every inch of the downstairs to display the merchandise.
The quilts, table runner,and sweater were all for sale.

We had lots of knitters and one weaver on hand.

One person did homemade truffles.
Oh, so tasty.

The dining room table became our focal point. We started the show with
everything on it in blues, as the sale progressed we had to
re merchandise and added some browns.

One gal, a seamstress and embroider, had some
wonderful aprons to sell.
Isn't the quilt on the wall great?

Christmas stockings of every shape and size.
Some were knitted, some quilted, and others felted.

These guys were the hit of the party. We started with two dozen
and sold every one.

Some of our weaver's wares.

As shoppers arrived they signed up for an incredible
door prize. It was a great way to increase of
mailing list.

The kitchen was set with refreshments.
We served hot and cold cider along with an
assortment of goodies.
Susan had food items for sale as well.
She had brownie kits, cranberry relish, and
spiced nuts, all holiday standards in our home.

I created some holiday garden stakes, sold all but one.

Susan sheep ornaments were on hand,

as well as many others.

Beautiful knitted ball.

This dramatic scarf was one of many, many

Cute, cute child's cupcake hat.

One of my personal favorites were these hand crafted
felted birds.

Are they not fabulous?

They were actually pins you could wear on your shoulder
or hat.

Well it's over for another year. Its time to get our little
home back in order and get ready for Thanksgiving.
I'm so thankful I know so many talented people
and we can do a show and sale like this.
Everyone is already thinking what we'll do next year
to make it even better.

I'm linking this week with:

Friday, November 19, 2010

We Are So Glad You Came

Imagine walking up the sidewalk to a house in your neighborhood.
You've heard they call it
Buttermilk Cottage.
They've opened their home for a Holiday Show.
There would be balloons on the Shepard's pole
if it were Saturday morning
(pictures were taken Friday afternoon).

We hope you feel welcome and excited to come in and see
what treasures we have laied out for you inside.

Our large pots greet you with scent of pine and evergreen.

The big wooden goose beckons you...Come On In.

As you step up on the porch, we hope you feel at home.

The chairs are decked for Holiday with their Christmas pillows
and throws.

No time to sit though, inside there is shopping to be done.

So take a look around and head for the door.

The tree by the door tells you that your getting closer.

You may want to pause and take a second look. At first you thought it
was an artificial tree. You smell evergreen.
Oh you get it, live branches have been added in.
Holly, Privet, Pine
and more placed into the tree to give it a real look
and extra fullness.

You notice the rustic accents

and homemade ornaments.

Time to say good-bye to the tree and head to the door.

Oh look, this house is an old one.

You're ready to enter...
Sorry that's another blog.

I'm linking today with:
A Vision to Remember's
Check Me Out Saturday


Susan and I have been working like mad women today!
We are turning our home, Buttermilk Cottage,
into a boutique for the weekend.

Nine Fiber Artist are participating in our second annual
Fiber Art Show and Sale. They have been delivering
their wares to us for the past two days.

My sister Susan, is the creator of this event. She and I are responsible for
all the merchandising of the Show.

Our dining room table becomes the focal spot.

These pictures are from earlier today when we were still
hard at work. It's now a little after ten and we've decided to call
it a night. The show doesn't start until tomorrow at seven
so we have a little more time.

We have a great assortment of merchandise this year, I'm sorry to
say most of these pictures don't do it justice.

We are featuring knitting, quilting, weaving, felting, sewing, wood turning,
paper art, and more.

I'm not one of the fantastic nine, but I have to get into the act as well.
These are some of my contributions. I did some garden stakes,
wreaths, plants, paperwhites, and a few framed pieces.

This is a Christmas arrangement I did.

Wish us luck, I'll let you know how it went after the weekend.

I'll be linking with
Show and Tell

Feathered Nest Fridays