
Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Right after Easter Susan and I got out of town and
took a little road trip.
A friend of mine had suggested checking out the
downtown area of
Greenville, South Carolina.

That's exactly what we did. We spent a half a day in
Charlotte, North Carolina shopping then made
our way to Greenville that evening.

Susan and I fell in love with the downtown
Westin-Poinsett Hotel,
but after inquiring inside and finding the rate for that
evening $185.00 we decided to check elsewhere.
Who is "Poinsett"?

We ended up at a great little Bed & Breakfast
a few blocks from Main Street downtown.

A charming place in the Pettigru Historical District.

When we drove up I knew we had made the right decision,
I could tell she was a gardener just like me.

Since they are further South than we are Lori, the innkeeper,
was able to already have her annuals in the ground.
I wish I would be there to see the yard once they fill out.

After settling into our room I took the opportunity
to stroll the neighborhood.
Many of the large historical homes had been converted into
Financial and Law Offices.

Across the side street from the Bed & Breakfast
I found a very large private club called the
Poinsett Club (jackets required)
Who is "Poinsett"?

One of my favorite houses in the inviting.

The next day we hit the downtown area for some
Lots of great shops, galleries, and restaurants.

You could tell by browsing the streets Greenville is a city
that loves "the arts".

They are also nature lovers.
A wonderful park called Falls Park anchors the downtown area.

We didn't have lots of time to explore so I'd love
to go back and do the park... seemed to go on forever.

In Greenville there are avenues, highways,
apartments, a bridge, a Hotel, a private club
and countless businesses baring the name
Who is "Poinsett"?

Joel Poinsett was a 19th. Century South Carolina statesmen.
He was a political leader
world traveler,
and a supporter of the arts.
He served as Secretary of War from 1837-1841.
Mr Poinsett also served as Minister to Mexico.

While in Mexico Poinsett found a brilliant red plant
and brought it back to
South Carolina.
And that's the rest of the story.
I will be linking this post to
Fishtail Cottage's
Flora Thursday.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ANNA'S Garden of Love

The first of many orange poppies.

My lovely neighbor and gardening guru , Anna is recovering from
a bad fall she had a few weeks ago.
She is not able to enjoy her garden first hand right now
so I decided to take some pictures of her
beautiful blooms.

In just a day or two the back side yard will explode in a
sea of orange.

These next few pictures are of her collection of Iris.

More are on their way... I can't wait.

She also has pretty pink tulips and fabulous pink
azaleas in her front yard.

Say a prayer for her quick recovery.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Hope you had an incredible edible Easter.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


God Bless and sweet Easter wishes to you.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I hope everyone has had a wonderful "Good Friday" today.
I know I have.

Yesterday on Thursday we couldn't have asked for a finer day.
Not too hot, not too cool...perfect.

I spent the entire day out in the garden,
just playing.
moving plants here and there, finishing up projects and
lots of time accessorizing the garden.
More about that later.

Today it was all about enjoyment.

I hope everyone has a wonderful
Easter weekend.

Happy Gardening.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My "Pink Champagne" Clematis bloomed this week.

I own five different ones and lucky for me they bloom at
different times. Love them. The flowers are so showy.
But this one doesn't last long.

Found an old kettle at the antique shop and loaded it with
Creeping Jenny...I have an abundance.

Shared side bed.

Some of the Iris are already up and blooming.
Others are starting to show signs of blooming.

I got the Knockout Roses in the ground this week.

Hosta up and out.

May Apple.

Bridal Wreath, just starting to bloom.

Dogwoods still going strong in the front yard.

Hope you have a great gardening week.
It's raining here this morning which is a
very good sign.
I will be linking to
Fishtail Cottage's
Flora Thursdays