
Thursday, June 30, 2011


I was watching "House Hunters"
on HGTV the other night
and a couple walk into a great kitchen and gasp...
"too much white".

This girl just doesn't get that!
How can you have too much white.
White cabinets would always be
my first choice.

But then again,
I love all things white.
Who can resist crisp, cool, white linens
on their bed?

I'm crazy for a white bathroom.

Even white towels make me smile.

I'm a goner for white flowers

heck, I even love a good pair of
white socks.

I'm a believer in white dishes all the way.

One good set of white dishes and your
good for life.

Even a collection of old mismatched
ones will serve you well.

White dishes go with any holiday.
Who needs golds and greens for

Whites work well with pastels
at Easter.

You can even make Halloween chic
with your whites.

Now tell me...who isn't always on the
search for that
white shirt?

This girl is a believer.
White Is Right!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Have I told you lately how much I love
my garden?

I've spent the last two evenings
and most of this morning
weeding my shared bed.
Even that gives me great satisfaction.

Now with most of the weeds gone the roses
can flaunt their stuff.

My Astilbe is blooming,

as is my Garden Phlox.

I just love these Strawberry Candy lilies
a friend shared with me.

Could there possibly be a more perfect flower than
the simple orange Day Lilly?

One of my all time favorites,
my Cone Flowers are in their glory!

Every year they seem to get taller and taller.

Happy Gardening

Thursday, June 23, 2011


It has been almost two months since I started my
window box project.
Now as I sit on my couch and enjoy my first cup of coffee,
I can say yes...I like it.

For a while there I wasn't sure.
I didn't think it would take so long for
the plants to take off
and get a bit showy.

I started putting together my project right before
Mother's Day,
but it really started much earlier,
last Fall in fact.
We had our favorite contractor
install window box platforms
on the front upper level.

I begin every planting project with my trusty
Miracle Grow potting mix.

I read somewhere when doing window boxes you always need a


and a

Actually I just got what looked good at the nursery.

I was pleased to find the deep, brown pots
at Big Lots for less than ten each.

Four pots done...
now ready to haul them upstairs.

It doesn't look like much of an impact
from this shot but after a little growth...

...they are filling out nicely.

LinkI am enjoying them from the upstairs
as much as anyone on the street.

Happy Gardening everyone.

I'm linking to a few fabulous parties this week.
Fishtail Cottage's Cottage Flora Thursday
My Romantic Home's Show and Tell

Friday, June 10, 2011


I've had a wonderful morning. It's about one here and it's just too
hot to be outside any longer.

The shade garden is coming along nicely, the impatiens I planted
a few weeks ago are starting to fill out.

Reds and pinks are one of my favorite combinations.

My lavender is in bloom.

Found these zinnias on the discount rack at Lowe's and brought them home.
This morning I had time to get them into some pots.

My neighbors hydrangea is absolutely stunning right now.
I enjoy it as much as she does.

Opium Poppy

Love in the Mist

Mary Stokes Asters...
just beginning to bloom.


Purple Coneflowers

Hope your morning was as great as mine.

Happy Gardening.