
Friday, December 23, 2011


Christmas is almost here
and when you work at the "Mall"
it can't come soon enough.

I'm taking a sick day today
because my tummy is not being very nice to me.
But more than that...
I simply need a mental health day.

I'm staying in and staying cozy,
enjoying all the little details of
my space here at Buttermilk Cottage.

As I walk around and look at the
special treasures on display,
I feel the magic starting to
flow again.

My psyche is starting to rejuvenate

and the spirit coming back into my soul.

Take time for yourself this holiday

and some time to enjoy the simple
pleasures that come with the

Merry Christmas

and peace to you and yours!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Last night my sister and I had a
"dinner and a movie" night.
At my brother's suggestion, we watched the
latest version of
"Jane Eyre".

We were not disappointed.
This visually stunning movie kept us both
entertained and delighted.

It got me to thinking...
have I ever been disappointed with any
adaptation of Jane Eyre?
I did a little research and found out
there has been at least twenty three version
before the oldest one I can remember
staring Joan Fontaine and
Orson Wells
from 1944.

As a young girl, I remember falling in love
with George C Scott's
Mr. Rochester.

I know I've seen the Timothy Dalton
version, but I don't have a clear
remembrance of it.

Franco Zeffirelli's
Jane Eyre
starring William Hurt and
Charlotte Gainsbourg
was a stunning adaptation as well.
I've always been a William Hurt fan
ever since
The Big Chill.

This 1997 version, also a BBC production,
I believe is my favorite.

Masterpiece Theatre did it in 2007
and there was a mini Series
back in 1973.

Pick out a version and
watch it,
what great holiday fun.

Oh yea, don't forget
it's always a good read!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I've been working on decorating our outside
porch tree for the past three weeks.
I know that sounds strange, but I just can't seem to
get it right. I keep adding and subtracting, trying
to get the right mix...don't ask me why.

Today is Sunday and I'm home alone.
I decided to make some paper mitten ornaments.

Last year I read a tip in blogland, you can use Epsons Salts
instead of using glitter for a snow effect.

I cut the mittens out of an old book I've been destroying
and trimmed them with thin red ribbon.

I painted the mittens in Mod Podge then rubbed them in the salts.
Some I dredged only at the finger tips
others I did it all over.

I think they work on my rustic outdoor tree.
I wanted my ornaments to be representative
of the gals that live here.

Origami birds for me since I'm somewhat obsessed
with them right now. Yarn balls for my sister,
the avid knitter and
the mittens are for Kate,
my niece,
who's passion is reading
without a doubt.

What an enjoyable to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm A Shop Owner!

Well, I've gone and done it.
Just opened a shop on etsy.
I'm learning as I go...but so good.
I only have seven items up right now
but I'm hoping to list a few every day until I have my stash
out there.
I needed an another outlet for my crafting
and now I have it.
Come by and see me soon.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


How does a gardener get her fix during the winter months?
My answer...force bulbs.
Paperwhites are the perfect bulb for this
time of year.

They are super easy to grow and they look
great in almost any container.

Isn't this a fun idea? I think you would have to live
in a warm climate though. I tried putting some in pots
on the front porch a few years ago, but they didn't do
anything. Too cold I think.

I like to plant mine in clear vases.
The very tall vases are great for when they start
getting a bit floppy.

This year I tried something a little different.
They say by adding a little alcohol (1part alcohol to 7 parts water)
you can stunt their growth. It doesn't effect their
blooms, just the stems and leaves.
I'm giving it a try.

Happy Gardening!

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Wow Us Wednesday @
Savvy Southern Style