
Saturday, January 28, 2012


I can't believe it has been two weeks since my last post.
My only excuse...I've been lazy.

I got outside today for a little while and took a stroll
around the garden.
The weather has been so mild here lately my flowers
think it's already Spring.

Two days ago I spotted our first daffodils!

This blue Hyacinth has been blooming for the past week.

I've had this weekend off
and have been trying to get
caught up on everything
I've been neglecting,
including house work...

I've done some cleaning out and reorganizing.
It really feels good to lighten your load.
My closets look so much better!

Added some little touches for the
Valentine's Day season.

I still have a few more tasks to finish
before the sun sets, but I'm feeling good
about the things I've gotten accomplished
so far this weekend.

At the end of the day
all I want to do is
sit back...

...and put my feet up.

Happy Gardening!

Friday, January 13, 2012


We woke up to snow on the ground this morning.
It's our first for the season,
so we can't complain.
Everything outside is frozen, in hiding or underground,
and for a gardener that can be sad times.

Lucky for me there are blooms inside!

The Amaryllis my neighbor have me for Christmas
is just now starting to peak out.

Downstairs the violets are blooming as well.

The pink ones are in their glory.

My guest bedroom has a little pot of paperwhites
that opened up two days ago.

And in my sitting room...
something to make me smile.

Happy Gardening!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I've recently done a little revamping in the bathroom.
Nothing major just a change with curtains and such.

While out and about this past Fall I found a collection of numbers at
an antique mall in Asheville, NC.
I've seen numbers use quite a bit in decorating and knew
I wanted to do something, but not sure what.

I just started playing in my bathroom one day
and this is what I came up with.

Almost everyone that used my facilities
over the holidays asked...
what's up with those numbers,
what does it mean?
I say it doesn't mean anything
it just is.
Then I joke, when you are on the throne
you can see how many you can find.

One detail I love are these
wonderful clothes pins my
sister- in- law,Terry, made
for me this past Christmas.

Aren't they GREAT?

The baskets were a cast off from VS
and a treasure to me.

Oh, and this chair belongs to...

Miss Dixie.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tablescaping With Birds

Pick a bunch of Blue Birds

You may have read that I opened an
etsy shop over the Christmas season
called nanniepannie.
I was in bad need of an outlet for my crafts
and etsy seemed like the perfect solution.

Problem is...there is soooo much out there.
I'm wondering how I can entice people to want
my origami birds,
because I got to tell you...I'm can't stop
making them!

I decided to take some shots using them in
maybe I'll get some interest.

I think they would be a great way to decorate
for a party, tea or luncheon.

You know, it's almost as much fun
taking pictures of them as it is
making them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year...New Skill!

Guess what one of my New Years resolutions was?
Yep, that's right
I'm going to TRY to learn how to

I've always been fascinated with it,
but I'm not a patient person and have my
reservations about my commitment level.

It's time to give it a go!

Lately I've seen so many fascinating things
that so inspire me to learn.
I love these crocheted rocks.

I know...I know...
I'll have to start simple
probably with a pot holder
but that's okay.

There are so many decisions
not only do I have to decide on what to make,
the yarn choices are endless.

Will I ever be able to create fun pillows
like these? I wonder.

I'm going to start small

and build up my skill.

One thing I do know I can be as
creative as I want
and make it my own.

Maybe in a year or two I'll master those rocks.

In the mean time...
I'm going to have some fun.

Thanks to Google
for all my images.