
Friday, March 30, 2012


It's not even April
and Spring is in full force
here at
Buttermilk Cottage

My favorite season!
I love coming home to this yard

This early Spring has got me wondering...
what does Summer hold for us?

There are lots of Azaleas blooming
in the neighborhood,
ours will be soon.

Happy Spring
Happy Gardening!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


The lovely weather here has prompted my sister
and I to get back into our morning routine of
walking every morning.

Yesterday we spied something over a
back fence that took our breath away.

This morning I had to go back with my camera
and take a few shots.

Four cherry trees anchor this small back yard.
I don't think I would ever want to leave it
in the Spring.

When I got home this morning
I was inspired to take advantage to this unusual weather.
I thought I just might get a jump start
on my geraniums that I store in
our basement over the winter.

I usually don't pull them out for another month,
but it has been in the 7o's and 80's here and if I start them now
they should be looking pretty good by May.
Worst case scenario...
I'll have to put them in the shed if it turns off
cold again.
I'm going to take that chance.

Happy Gardening.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Everything is coming up green
this fine St. Patrick's Day.

Well not everything,
but that's another project
and another day.

My two year old cherry tree is starting to bloom.
It's not at it's peak yet but it is
still exciting to see the bloom start to pop out.

Spring is my favorite time of year for the garden.
Everyday something new emerges
to make me smile.

They say it's supposed to rain today,
but I refuse to believe it.

Happy St. Patrick's Day
Happy Gardening!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Wow, I can't believe it,
two "off days" in a row, and no rain in sight.
How can a working girl get so lucky?

Finished up my domestic chores early
because this was waiting for me
in the back yard.

Life can be good...
if you let it!
Just relax.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Well we lost an hour today, but I feel I got more accomplished
than I have for a very long time.
It felt great,
very satisfying!

As soon as the chill was out of the air,
I headed outside into the garden
for a little "clean up" time.
Two weeks ago I brought this prop home from work
and was able to get it polyurethaned
and into the back yard.

I also gave my hummingbird feeder pole a
covering of Rust-oeum Hammered paint.

Next I played around with my newest creation.
A mini greenhouse made from two old windows.

I had seen one at a show Sue and I went to last week
and said to myself...
I can make that.
It doesn't hurt when you have a pile of old windows
stashed in the basement.

I swept and cleaned up all around my
gardening shed.

Lastly I hung some bits of yarn
for my feathered friends.
Spring is in the air
and they will be building their nest
very soon.

Oh yea, forgot to tell you I also put together
my new rope hammock,
a Christmas gift from Sue...
but that's another post.

Happy Gardening!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

She had a great life.
She was a happy cat.
It was her time.
Rest in Peace
My Little