
Monday, June 18, 2012


I've been crafting with my origami birds
and clothes pins.

There are baskets of birds
in my house
and I wanted to come up with another
way to use them for
my etsy site.

My sister in law Terry, suggested I attach them
to clothes pins
for a fun fastener.
And so I did...
and have sold two sets!!!

Now I know, about now you are saying to yourself
"what the heck can I do with
Origami Bird Clothes Pins?"

Well, here is just a few
delightful ideas.
Embellish a special gift

or attach it to a
Birthday or Thank you card
as an extra something.

Keep your letters

Use it in the bathroom for drying your wash cloth
or hanging your sponge.

Maybe as a bookmark.

You can even clip your chips.
Anything needs clipin...
use an Origami Bird Clothes Pin.

Yep, every home needs one
or two
or even three.

Happy Clipping!

Friday, June 15, 2012


The neighborhood
where I live offers
an award 
 "Yard of the Month".
The sign caught my eye this morning
as I took my walk,
Congratulations to the June winner!

Our neighborhood is very eclectic,
you have to take
 the good with the bad.
The good always makes me

I absolutely love
 people that take pride 
in their front yard.
It makes walking the dogs (baggie in hand)
so much more

It seems that the flowers are blooming
much earlier this year.
I love it,
 it's beautiful,
but I'm fearful for the coming winter
and what it will bring.

Lets not think about the future.
Lets just enjoy this walk
through the
"Tree Streets Southside Neighborhood."

Sweet Bungalow.

Hydrangeas and window boxes.

Just down the street.

This woman's a
big time.

A shot of one of her side beds.

One of my favorites.

Who needs color
when you look this good.

Well that's the tour
and of course I couldn't leave out our home,
"Buttermilk Cottage."

Happy Gardening.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Susan has been away for the past four days.
She went home to visit our folks
and celebrate my Mom's Birthday.
In the mean time I've been bonding with
our new dog, Chaos.

He's quite a handsome guy
for an old gent of fifteen.
He's been a real sweetheart too,
 adjusting to his
new home and lifestyle.
Chaos is actually my brother's dog
who has moved to
Germany for a few years,
we've stepped up to foster Chaos
while his family is away.

Chaos has had to adapt to new food and
and a new bed, but he is taking it
 all in stride. 

I know he misses his family lots, but
he has a knack
for making his new
feel like he wouldn't have it
 any other way.
If his folks are going to have an
adventure, why shouldn't he.

Thanks Rick and Terry.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Okay, so I was walking the dog the other day
 down the back alley.
And what did I see in the high grass?
That's right, laying in pieces...
someones art project.
The top of the head (which looked like brains) had
been broken off.

Well I  couldn't just leave it there.
So what did I do?
Brought it home
 stuck a plant in the top
added it to the garden.

Did I do wrong?

Happy Gardening!
Linking with
Cottage Garden Party

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Three new items added to Nanniepannie-etsy

Just added three new items to etsy.
My vintage inspired Memory Board.

My VS PINK inspired
PINK dog pillow.

My Tiffany Catalog
Origami Bird Garland
with Heart & Key.