
Sunday, July 29, 2012


What a pleasant Sunday 
it has been today.

No rain in the forecast
here at 
Buttermilk Cottage
so I decide to get out early
and do some much needed

So much rain lately
has made for some delightful blooms.
Here's my Hyacinth Bean
now in full bloom...
just waiting for the purple bean pods
to appear.

Another Runner Bean plant,
new for me this year,
Painted Lady.

Most of my Black Eyed Susans
did not fair well this year.
These are some of the best.

The ever faithful
Cone flower.

Lantana doing well.

My last picture is of this happy little Zinnia.
I planted several packs of seeds earlier
with hopes of a great bed of  "picking flowers".
So far this is one of the few blooms that 
has made an appearance.

Oh well 
Happy Gardening!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I awoke this morning at 4:45 to a very loud Thunder boom
and a very bright lightening crack.
Nothing unusual here...
for the past two weeks it has rained or stormed 
in my neck of the woods.

My rain barrel is full ten times over.
This is one gardener that wished she had been
a little more proactive and gotten
 a daisy chain going on
with her rain barrels.

The weeds in my beds are absolutely 
Between work and rain, there's been
no time for weeding.  I'm thinking,
maybe it's time to simplify 
my garden.

 Before the rains came
it had been so hot
that my make shift gardening bench
has not seen much activity
this Summer.

Needless to say my new hammock
I received for Christmas
has not gotten a lot of use.

One thing that has enjoyed the
heat, sun and rain 
is this Hyacinth Bean plant
a sweet neighbor gave me last month.
It started as a wee plant
and now just look!

I've wanted to get some type of vine growing over
this little window greenhouse I made
and this bean is doing the trick.

Can I also say before I close out,
I've found the perfect use for old vintage
salt and pepper shakers.
What a wonderful topper
for your trellis' and stakes.

Happy Gardening!

linking this week with:
Fishtail Cottage's

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Last year I brought home some pink striped paper
 from VS.  We had used it to line our bra trays 
that merchandise our beautiful 
I was inspired to make some birds using it,
but alas it was a little too thick
 for folding.
I was inspired though, so I went to Michaels 
and purchased some similar papers
that would do the trick.

The VS paper got me to thinking
about "Baby Showers"
I picked up some little charms
that make it work.

In my world the STORK has taken a holiday
and the CRANE is filling in.

Here is what I've come up with.
Three print origami birds on some skewers.
I think they make the perfect decorating piece
and when the party is over
everyone gets to take one home as
a party favor.

I also made some jumbo birds...well pretty big,
that can be hung over the table.
The neat thing about these birds 
 they can be used
 in the nursery
when the baby girl comes.

You will be able to find them in my etsy shop

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Guess what I've been doing?

That's right...making birds again.
I've been working on a Bridal Party Pack
for my etsy shop.

One thing I know Brides love
and that's Tiffany & Co.
I love to fold my birds from the pages
of the Tiffany's catalog.
They are perfect for weddings
showers, teas, parties
or anything in between.

I start by tearing out all the pages that are
Tiffany Blue,
then start my folds.
I try to do all the same folds together
because it goes a little faster that way.

For this project, I'm creating a
collection of
Black, White and Tiffany Blue.
The pack will consist of
forty five birds to be used at one of the Bried's
many functions.

I've included three large black birds,
two medium white birds,
twelve "Tiffany Blue" birds,
eight small black ones
and twenty assorted
black & white print birds.

The five larger birds are embellished with
pretty ribbon and can be hung or
placed on dowels.

Just a few on a table really makes a large impact.
And they are so pretty.

The bride can save a little money by using
them on skewers and working them into
her greenery to cut back on 
flower cost.

They can make great party favors for the guest.

Next time you are thinking wedding...
think Origami

Visit my listing of these birds