
Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year...New Items For etsy

I've just finished adding a few new items to
my etsy shop

I've had them made for some time
but have not taken the time
to get them posted.

Aren't these ribbons beautiful?
Most are hand dyed silks.

If you need a pretty flower pin
for you coat or hat

take a peak into my shop.

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 21, 2012


Every year I look forward to seeing
the clementines hitting the stores.

The perfect smack food
for the holidays.
The first bag you buy is always
the best.

I'm on my third bag and
each time I buy them
they are not quite as sweet.
One year I will learn and quit while I'm ahead...
probably not.
Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas To Me!

Don't you just love it
when fate gives you a gift.
My paperwhites have played out,
so I needed something living to
take their place.
I had to run out to Walmart for some supplies
so I decided to drive a little further
and see what Lowes had to offer.
Am I ever glad I did, it was worth
getting  out in the rain this morning.
Lowes had all their Poinsettias
on sale for $1!!!
The very small ones were a quarter.
I came home with three big ones
and three small.
Merry Christmas to me!
Happy Holidays 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


It is hard to believe it is almost
Christmas time again.
We've been decorated here at
Buttermilk Cottage
since before Thanksgiving.
We have to decorate early
so the house is ready for our
It always falls on the weekend before
I like to keep it simple,
the house gets so full when we
display all our goods
plus we need every inch of space
for merchandise.
After it's all over and everything gets
back in its place, then the
holidays can begin and
we can enjoy
the simple pleasures of
If you haven't already, please visit my page
and see this years show.
Happy Holidays

Monday, December 17, 2012

Party Time

Last night the gals from the support team
got together to enjoy the season.
It was great getting together
outside of work.
Everyone brought a plate of goodies
and a $15 gift.
We did the swap and steal game with
the gifts and had lots of laughs.
Of course I gave my origami birds to everyone
as their Christmas gift...
no surprise there.
Anyway it was a lovely evening
and I wish all my wonderful ladies a very
Merry Christmas. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012


What can you do with an almost endless supply of
 pink ribbon?
From time to time my employer
discards unwanted
ribbon and I'm one of the few people
 that steps up to claim it.
  The thought of all that lovely
ribbon going into the trash makes
 my heart break.
I've been collecting it for quite some time
 and have never come up
 with the right thing to do with it.
My sitting room has touches of pink
so I decided to have a go at
 something I had seen on the web.
I purchased a good set of lights at Ikea
and decided to make a garland for
my windows.
First I organized it then cut it into lengths of about
twenty inches.  I had some white and gold
ribbon I had purchased at Ballard Outlet
so I added that as well.
Then I simply tied it onto the lights, alternating
the prints and shades.
Now I have it strung over my bank of four windows
in my sitting room. 
 I decided to add some silver
Christmas balls for a little more
Holiday impact.
If you hang onto something long enough
you will eventually get inspired.
Happy Holidays!


Happy Holidays everyone!
I've been away from the blogging world
since October
but I'm back, just in time for

Monday, October 15, 2012


What do you do with with beautiful hand made doilies?
Several years ago when my Aunt passed away
I got several of her beautiful doilies.
I loved them, but having doilies out and about
was not quite my style.
They set in a drawer and I took them out
from time to time just to marvel
at the workmenship.
But what could I do with them???
Last week while I was doing another project that
involved balloons...
it came to me.
All I needed was some maximum strength starch
that could be poured, some small balloons,
string and of course patience.
First I completely soaked the doily in starch.
Then molded it around the balloon.
Made sure the gathers were evenly distributed
and tied it tight with string.
Waited a day for it to dry, sprayed them down again with
the starch and waited again.
When they were dry and I removed the string
I had a perfect little bowl,
I decided to use mine as votive candle holders
and slipped little clear holders I already had
on hand.  It was a perfect fit.
I truly love the way they turned out.
I tried using ribbon around the top for some color
but in the end I preferred the
  more organic look and used the rope string.
I highly recommend this project if you
have some precious doilies
stashed in a drawer somewhere.
Each one is so different
and special.
I can't tell you how pretty they look burning.
I tried to take some pictures but they
just did not do my project
Thanks for taking a peek at my latest project.
Give it a try you'll be glad you did.
Linking this week with:

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Something for Everyone

I was on vacation this past week
so Daisy and I took
a little road trip
to visit my
Mom and Dad.
Every time I travel home
I drive through
McMinnville, TN.
 I can't seem to stop
my car from pulling into one of my
favorite/unique spots.
It has been there forever and I'll be darn
but I don't have a clue
what the name is.
It's run by a Mom and Son team
and it has been there as long
as I've been traveling through.
If truth be told, I think its
been there since
the beginning of
They not only sell statuary,
they are collectors as well.
What a crazy assortment they have.
Something for everyone.
They've got religious.
They've got cute.
They've got down right tacky.
I guess I shouldn't say that
after all beauty is in the
eye of the beholder
when it comes to
lawn art.
Am I right?
Anyway it's a great stopping place
and I love to see whats
The owners are so friendly
and love to pass the time of day
with you.
If you ever need a pink pig for your front yard
this is the place to go.
Till next time
Happy Gardening.