
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Treasured Gift

My Uncle Merl from Michigan has been hand crafting one of a kind bird houses for years. My sister received one many years ago as did her daughter Kate. I was happy to be the recipient of one last Summer when he and my Aunt Dot came for a visit.

Susan's as well as Kate's was already painted by the artist, mine, on the other hand, was left unfinished for me to put my signature on. My plan had been to finish it as a Winter project. Winter came and went and I had not a smidgen of inspiration. Then, this Summer we took a trip to the Greek Isles and I had to look no further.

Throughout the islands we saw countless churches and chapels, the thing they all had in common was a sparkling coat of white paint.

Many that I saw were blue domed and that was my inspiration, because you see, the bird house that my Uncle made for me was a wonderful little steeple church.

Blue domed church in Oia on Santorini

First step: spray painted white

Now please don't think I'm trying to be sacrilegious by using the BLUE EYE, absolutely not, I'm just exercising a litter creative artistic liberty.

So thank you so much Aunt Dot and Uncle Merl for my wonderful gift. I will treasure it forever!

Happy gardening everyone.

Orig. Posr 7/6/2010 Wordpress

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