
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Dodd Seabolt was a friend of mine way back when.
Because of Facebook, we were able to reconnect.
Last week while traveling I made a quick stop in Atlanta to visit
my old friend.

We first knew each other twenty years ago when we were both retailers
working in Atlanta.
He with Chess King, me with Foxmore, both long out of business now.

We had lost touch when he moved back to his home town of Jacksonville
to care for his mother. I got transferred to Huntsville and started a new life there.

When I pulled into his downtown condo Wednesday afternoon,

it was as if the years just disappeared.

We laughed and talked and he showed me his place.

We spent some time shopping at Ikea, the Ballard Design outlet, and Homegoods.

That night he took me to dinner at a wonderful seafood grill in Decatur.
After dinner we went to a Chocolate Bar and has chocolate martinis.

I hope to visit again soon and catch up even more, he vowed to visit me in Tennessee.
Friendship is such a blessing!


  1. I get to reconnect with my long lost friends via FB too. It is so wonderful to meet them again after 10-20 years. Cheers to FB!

  2. I'm glad you found your friend and got to spend some time together after all those years! I'm still on the table about that myself. I've not joined facebook.

    Have a Great Day!
