
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've just semi completed a project I started two weeks ago. A redo of my second bedroom.
I say semi completed because I'm never really done. My style of decorating "ever evolving"
always seems to be in the works.
This space was formally owned by my niece Kate. Kate has recently graduated
from UT and moved to NYC to spread her wings.
The room has been evolving for the past few years.
First she moved many of her things out to furnish her own apartment in
Knoxville, now with the New York adventure, the rest has been
moved down to our basement.

The first thing I knew had to go... the color. I like green, don't get me
wrong, but this is not a shade I would pick for my own space.
I tend to be drawn to muted colors
or neutrals.

When she left for collage, and it became clear she wouldn't be returning long term,
I made a few changes.
I added a lot of white accents like draperies, throws and accessories.

Two weeks ago I had some vacation time and decided to get the project
underway. Thank goodness my sister was able to help me with the painting.

I chose a color from the Eddie Bauer Home collection called

Months ago I had picked out some fabric for curtains, dust ruffle, and accessories.
The plan was that my fabulous seamstress Sis was going to whip something
up for me. The thing is, she's too darn busy managing her own projects.

No problem, I can wait. In the mean time I will just futts and play and use
items I already have. It's kind of fun seeing what you can come up with
using existing items.

I just scoured the basement, linen
closet, and other rooms.

My process is...I try this and I try that... until I get a look I like.

First I try to get the bed suited up, it's a breeze after that.

I add some accessories and move them around. Did I mention
I'm a very visual person?
I have to see it.

Just when I think I've just about got, then I get another brain storm
and change it up again.

I had been wanting to lighten up on the furniture in my bedroom. I got
the bright idea to move this monster piece of furniture (quilt rack).
I think I like it.

I bought these birds at a Coldwater Creek outlet in Orlando last year.
I think they work.

The only things I bought during the process were these two Ralph Loren pillows.
They are basics and I know I'll be able to use them in other places when and if
I really get to redo this room.

I bought this needlepoint pillow last year at an after Christmas sale.
I fell in love with it when I saw it for the first time. I couldn't believe that it
made its way all through the holiday and didn't get snatched up.

Well I guess I can live with I have a new/ old guest bedroom.
All I need now is a guest to go with it, want to come visit?
I'm very happy to be linking with Kim @ Savvy Southern Style and her
Before and After party
The Shabby Chic Cottage, and finally


  1. What a wonderful cozy room. I love the new wall color even though I liked the green, too. You sound like me changing things up. Thank you for joining my first party.

  2. Guess what--I think I'll be the first one to sleep in your new guest room! I plan on staying there during the Holiday Sale we'll be hosting downstairs!

  3. Your new room looks comfortable, i like the colour scheme. The pillows and quilt make me wanna sleep on 'em! Well done!

  4. What a cute room!!! I love the shape of the room and the new color looks great.

  5. What a fun guest room you made girl...I loved the dark green also...But the soft wicker is really welcoming...I would love to be a guest here...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. charming room! Love your rack with the quilts!

  7. Love the NEW room, it's so cozy now and must says, "Welcome, come sit a spell".

  8. This room is precious..full of character which I love.
    xo bj

  9. Pardon me but, do you know you have word verification on?

  10. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Your room looks so cozy and I love how you have arranged everything! I agree with you about the plants in my dining room. I never know what kind to get. Do you have any suggestions?

  11. Hi there~ your room looks wonderful! Very warm and inviting- I agree with you on the paint change- wow! What a difference a coat (or 25) of paint makes! Great job! :)

  12. Lovely room! It looks so restful and cozy!


  13. I love the transformation, but I will admit that I sort of like the green!

  14. I love green, but this is so fresh and inviting! More open feeling too!

  15. I love that pillow too! I would have grabbed it for sure. The color you painted the walls is a perfect backdrop for your pretties.
