
Saturday, January 8, 2011


Last Wednesday I had a long overdo hair appointment.
I'm the type of person that puts off going to the salon until
I'm ready to have my head shaved.
What is that about...does anyone else do that?

I've been nursing a cold for over a week,
seemed others in the salon were as well,
someone let out a loud sneeze and in
unison everyone said
That got me to pondering...where did that come from?

I Googled it today and found there are many explanations,but the one
most highly recognized is concerning
Pope Gregory the Great.

Pope Gregory was Pope during the 6th. century when bubonic plague
was hitting Europe. He ordered unending prayer and parades of
chanters through the streets of Rome in a effort to combat the sickness.
It was believed that sneezing was an early sigh of the disease.
The blessing became a common effort to stop
The Plague.

Here's hoping you'll make it through the winter season
cold free.

But don't be stingy with your blessings.
Everyone needs those.
Blessing to you all and have a wonderful day.
all inages found on Google Images


  1. For us, so far so good! I hate being ill! When we were kids, we used to pray we'd get sick if we weren't prepared enough for a test....Kids can be so silly!

  2. I hate if i caught cold because my eyes will be swollen, my bones will be cracking and yet i have to come to work (family business). You've been sick for so long it seems... take good care and rest well. A cup of ginger tea would be a good home remedy for you. Get well soon.
