
Sunday, February 6, 2011


What do you store your seeds in?
I've been on the lookout for some interesting envelops
to store mine in from one year to the next.
Someone told me paper was the best thing
to use to keep your seeds healthy.
When you can't find what you want...
just make it!
What do you think of my seed sack clothes line?
This is the inside of my

Last time I was at Tuesday Morning I found some
paper products on their clearance isle.
I grabbed a couple of packs of scrapbook paper
and some drawer liner paper.
At the time I didn't have a plan,
I just bought it because it was such a good deal.

I'm thinking now
I might try to fashion some origami cranes
from the drawer liner paper.

I started my seed sacks using a sheet of double
printed 8x8 paper.

Decided on the width and folded in.

Folded in the remaining edge.

I wanted my sacks to be four and a half inches
wide so I did some measuring and allowed
for a half inch seam allowance.

Did some cutting and rounded the corners.

Folded in for gluing.

I used my newest best friend
Mod Podge.

Wrote out some labels.
I decided not to attach them.
This way I can reuse.

So there you have it...
all that's left is the clean up.
I will be linking to some fabulous parties at:


  1. They are beautiful! That is such a great idea to save them like that too! I have seeds from last year that didn't get planted because we had too much rain and then it was too wet and then it was too late to plant them. The seeds I have are veggie seeds. I hope I can use them this year and they will still produce!

    Have a Great Day!

  2. OH my gosh! You like Hyacinth Bean Vines too? Aren't they just wonderful with their sweet pea-like purpley flowers? Your seed envelopes are wonderful too. Great idea.


  3. That bean envelope was excellent - great idea and all your work is so beautiful and talented.


  4. Wow, the envelopes are so beautiful! I dump my home saved seeds in bottles only..

  5. Uh oh, you are hooked on mod podge, too. Cute idea for seed sacks.

  6. You put a lot of thought into this. I am impressed. I need to find a better way to keep my seeds year to year. I will be giving this a try. Thank you

  7. Those are too cute! I wish I needed to save some seeds but our growing season here in Colorado is so short. I will have to keep it in mind for when we move.Thank you for sharing this.

  8. You are so clever. These are really adorable! Just found your lovely blog via My Romantic Home. I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. I not only like the usefulness of them (is that a word usefulness) I also think they're pretty. And I go to Tuesday Morning, not often enough, but I didn't know they sold these papers so thanks. I'm gonna look next time. Happy Valentine's Day -- Terri
