
Saturday, May 28, 2011


As long as I can remember,
I have loved the

Is there anything more welcoming
than a big pot of
red geraniums?

No flower makes a bolder statement.

Who can resist a smile when they see a row
of red geraniums?

There is just something about
this old fashion flower.

It makes any space brighter.

Did you know you can save your geraniums over the winter
by taking them in before the last frost?
Just pull all their remaining blooms and leaves off,
put them in a cardboard box or brown grocery bag
and store in your basement until Spring.

Plant them in good potting soil and
water them well.
They will soon be back to be admired again.

Here are some I saved last year.
I replanted these around Easter.

This week they were ready to go into
a bigger decorative pot.

This is how they looked after three weeks
out of the dark basement.

This is how they will look by the middle of June.
I can't wait.

Happy Gardening!


  1. I had a couple of purple Geraniums for several years until I think they finally became root-bound... Should have repotted them but didn't... Love the red ones...

    Have a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend.

  2. My favorites are the Ivy Geraniums - I love the waxy leaves, and I always plant them in hanging pots! Reds are the best!

  3. Hi,
    I just love geraniums, too. They totally make me happy. (Wish they smelled better, though) :)
    I am visiting your blog from Betty Jean at "Shabby Tea Party".

  4. Hi Nannie, I have featured you at Shabby Tea Party! I always plant geraniums in the flower boxes around my deck fence and never knew you could save them to replant the next spring. Thank you for sharing, I'm going to give it a try. Hugs

  5. Oh red geraniums, how lovely! I only have pink.

  6. I'm in central oregon and have been working on wintering over my geraniums for the last two years. I'm needing some advice about cutting back vs not? During nice days I've taken my girls outside for alilltle fresh air and sunshine. Do you recommend watering? I'm back to cold winters days and they will be inside the garage now. Any recommendations would be appreciated...thank you
