
Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This weekend is the Bi-Annual Garden Tour
in my neighborhood.
I've been working all Spring and Summer
on my yard to make it
"show ready".

My big dilemma this year was... mulch or not to mulch.
For the past four or five years I have ordered
a truck load of mulch
for my beds.
This year they have filled in and I wasn't sure
how much I needed or if
I could get away with not mulching
at all.

Oh, how I would love to have a little truck
of my own!
The gardening life would be so much simpler.
I could haul mulch,
buy bigger plants.
Yes, that is a dream of mine.

Well, back to mulch.
How much mulch can you pack into a
Ford Focus?

Exactly twelve bags full.

I told the guy at Lowes,
pack it as full as you can
and then I'll pay.

Going the bag route instead of the
truck load route was a good decision,
I ended up only doing the front yard,
you know, curve appeal and all that.
With my back giving me problems this Summer,
it was a good choice.
Johnny, my lawn mowing guy, help me spread it,
another good decision.

Front yard...
Now, on to the backyard.

I'll be linking with
Cottage Flora @
Fishtail Cottage.

Show and Tell@
My Romantic Home


  1. Your mulch and plants look lovely! Wish I could tour in person. Take care of that back!

  2. Three more days until the big day! Everything looks great!

  3. Great choice...less pressure also if you did not use the entire truck load to move it out of sight during the tour.

    Your garden is looking great...Love your window boxes too...wish my cottage has some dorma windows...*sigh* maybe one day*

    Enjoy the tour.
    Blessings Kelsie

  4. Oh my, a garden tour...isn't that stressful? Your gardens and cottage look wonderful, the tour guests will be pleased.

  5. I love having people come to my garden, it motivates me to get and keep it in great shape. We do a lot of creative things in the garden to look at so even if the plants aren't doing their best it is still interesting. Mulch, we do it every year, kind of like painting, it is one of the quickest improvements one can do and it keeps the ground moist during our hot summers. Enjoyed your blog, Happy Gardening ~ jacque

  6. Love the red truck. Beautiful gardens. Can't believe you got so many bags of mulch in your Ford. Was the tail end about to drag the ground? LOL. You have a lovely home.

  7. Oh look how cute your house and garden are! luvit! Wow...12 bags? that's impressive.

  8. I did some mulching this year in an attempt to keep the weeds down. It's funny how they persist in such hot, dry weather! Your home is so pretty, as are the gardens leading up to it.

  9. A long time ago (1999 to be exact) I decided that a good garden needed a good truck and I was tired of borrowing everyone elses. I went out and bought a brand new truck and now twelve years later it has 25,000 miles on it... it would have about half that if my son hadn't kept borrowing it until he got his own. There are times when it sits many months before being used. I change the oil every 1000 miles, which can be a year or more... but you know what... it's always available when I want to pick up some trees, or pavers or gravel... and I don't have to ask any one if I can borrow it! It's a great garden tool... Larry
    By the way we use between 40 and 50 yards of mulch every year... couldn't manage without it!

  10. What a cute blog! I too would love a lil ol pick up truck!

  11. What a charming garden. My garden has room for dumpload of compost. Unfortunately, my budget is for what fits in the back of my Hyundia.

    such is life. You do what you can- and try to be glad of it.

  12. Your plants look like they are loving the new mulch (your back hurt yet?!? Ugh. that is a lot of work! everything looks so happy though! Skip worrying about the truck - you are lucky enough to have such fabulous cub appeal. So gad you linked up to Cottage Flora Thursdays! xoxo, tracie
