
Sunday, August 28, 2011


It's been seventeen days since my last post.
I feel like I should do penitence but I'm not Catholic.
I always tend to get a bit melancholy when Fall is in the air.
I don't know why, it just is.

Even though things in the garden are starting to fade,
there is still a lot going on and
coming on.

Yellow Asters are starting to peek out.

Rose of Sharon spring up everywhere.

Clematis having another go.

Knock Out Roses still going strong.

This Mandevilla, I in doored all last Winter, has finally
decided to bloom.

One of my favorite things about this time of year.
Autumn Clematis

Lots of buds on my Mums.

Happy Gardening.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I can't believe I haven't posted since last Tuesday!
After the garden tour, I kind of ran out of steam.
Now I'm thinking ahead to Christmas...
I know, go ahead and shoot me.

We do a Holiday Sale in November
and I have to
start thinking about what I'm going to
make and sell.
I usually do some kind of wreaths.
Last year I was very inspired
with all the burlap wreaths I saw
out there in blogland.
I'm starting to work
on a few ideas.

At the end of the season last year I bought up a bunch of
silver balls that I will incorporate into
this years wares.

I thought myself very clever when I purchase this bolt of
burlap at the local garden and feed shop.
It was a fraction of what I would have paid at
the fabric shop.
$16.99 for a 3' X 48' roll.

I've been making origami cranes all Summer.
I'm planning on doing several things with them.

I'm all about mixing unexpected things together.

My sister said...interesting.
I like it!

The next two are simple
and easy.
The picture doesn't do it justice
but the bright pink poke a dot ribbon
just makes you smile.

So that's what I've been up to.

Have a great day and
Happy Crafting!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Is it hot or what?
The temperatures are reaching ninety
and above here in Tennessee,
it's just too darn hot to be outside in the garden.

I've been toying with the idea of an
herb garden,

today, I stopped off at
the local gardening center
and picked out
a few.

I haven't done any research yet so I just
selected the ones that intrigued me.

I love the silvery spikes of this Curry
and the Trailing Rosemary seemed like a good choice.
I also picked up Chamomile,
English Thyme and Sage.

Wish me luck.
If they do well I can see more
in my future.

Happy Gardening!