
Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Is it hot or what?
The temperatures are reaching ninety
and above here in Tennessee,
it's just too darn hot to be outside in the garden.

I've been toying with the idea of an
herb garden,

today, I stopped off at
the local gardening center
and picked out
a few.

I haven't done any research yet so I just
selected the ones that intrigued me.

I love the silvery spikes of this Curry
and the Trailing Rosemary seemed like a good choice.
I also picked up Chamomile,
English Thyme and Sage.

Wish me luck.
If they do well I can see more
in my future.

Happy Gardening!


  1. How fun...My poor herbs are neglected in the heat...I need to harvest them so bad or they will be all gone before I get to enjoy them...Seeing this, maybe I will work on a nice indoor selection too.

    Blessings Kelsie

  2. Don't plant them outside unless you can water, water, water, water them! Mine have about died outside. I have some sage that is still alright though. Sage is my favorite for using in baked chicken and turkey. I just make a sage butter and put it between the skin.

  3. I love having an herb garden and you will, too. Enjoy!

  4. I'm sure you will be very happy with those choices, and they smell oh so wonderful!

  5. I vote for gardening inside, too!

  6. Good luck with your herbs... I have always thought of growing a few , I may have to try a chia pet. lol
