
Monday, November 28, 2011




The Dreamiest!

My life would be complete if Santa would
only bring me a Mini Cooper and
a vintage truck...
he could even combine the two
and I wouldn't complain.

Just Dreaming

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I just completed my Christmas Tree.
It's taken me a week because I keep adding,
now it is an explosion of Origami Birds,
something I've wanted for the past three years.

I hand made 99% of my trimmings
but I did use some of my favorites
from Christmas Past.

Align Center
I lightly dusted some twigs from the back yard
with white spray paint.
My tall slim tree from twenty years ago
needed a little something.

They are all ready to
take flight!

Some of the birds, I put on skewers, you
can also use them as plant stakes.

I used all types of paper to make my birds,
card stock, scrap booking, sheet music, old books,
anything I could get my hands on.

I've always loved working with music paper.
I had done the balls a few years ago and thought they were a
perfect fit for my Origami tree.

This is a fun stackable one I did.
Daddy, mom and baby.

I made several three bird garlands
by stringing them together.

This one was fun to do.
I used old clothes pins, Spanish moss,
and some red berries.

Now that it's done
it's the perfect tree...
...for me!

I'm linking with some fun parties this week
Wow Us Wednesday@
Savvy Southern Style

Saturday, November 26, 2011


m&ms are the happiest candies I know.

Do you remember, back in the day,
when m&ms came in two flavors
and melted in your mouth
not in you hand?

This past Halloween
I was out shopping for my weekly supplies
and ran into these...
WOW this was some serious good candy.

While out today, I looked for the candy corn,
but none could be found.
Cherry Cordial had taken its place.

What an enterprise!
You can find m&ms in almost any flavor
and color.

I love the pink and red ones at Valentine's Day.

m&ms were founded in 1941
and named after the founder, Forest Mars Sr.
and Bruce Murry of Hershey.

I can't wait for their next
bright idea.

Love it!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm guessing...
No matter how you tablescape this Thanksgiving
this bad boy will be on most tables.

You just can't forget the cranberries!

Some will have just a little on the side.

Others will want a GREAT BIG BOWL.

You may like to drizzle,

or you may be into a liquid diet.

Your grandmother's recipe
may be front and center.

You could be a traditionalist

or prefer a modern twist.

However you have your cranberries this Holiday...
do it with "a thankful heart"

Happy Thanksgiving!

A Thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue,
but the parent of all other virtues
~Marcus Tullius Cicero~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Birds

I walked out my door
and heard music in the air.

I looked up and there were hundreds of birds
in the trees above my head.

Then they flew away.

On to warmer climates no doubt.
Wish I could go too.

All images found on Google Image

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Two days down and one to go.
When we closed the doors last night at five
Susan and I ran to our favorite
Chinese restaurant
for some much needed down time.

Align Center
We have been very pleased with our
Fiber Arts and Holiday Show.
So many people have walked through
our front door...many finding something
they couldn't resist.

Our inventory has been greatly depleted,
which of course is a "good thing"
but that also means some major
re-merchandising f0r the last day.

Back at home with our bellies full Susan got started
the accounts and I got busy condensing
and freshening up our
weekend shop.
The red and teal that started the show on our focal table
was all but gone...blues are taking it's place
for the final day.

We still have some
pretty things.
Sometimes just moving them around
can really generate interest.

What was left of the red, landed on a
buffet in the dining room.

Some pieces that didn't get a lot of show
during the first two days
are finding a more dominant home for Sunday.


We open the doors back up in less than five hours.
Wish us luck.
After that...the tear-down
not a fun job!

Have a great Sunday.

Friday, November 18, 2011


It is hard to believe it is already time for our Holiday Show
at Buttermilk Cottage.
My sister Susan, and I have been busy
changing our cozy home into
a fun boutique for our weekend sale.

I will have more pictures to share later
but I thought I'd give you a quick
tour of the show.
The preview show is tonight at six,
then open to the public on Saturday and Sunday.

Most of the jewelry is right inside the front door.
There are some amazing pieces
this year.

Align Center
When you enter the living room
it's a girls dream!
Hats, scarfs, vest, bags and

We have some wonderful wood pieces
by an incredible wood turner.

Our dining room holds more hand made things.

The focal table is all about red and teal!

Susan is bunking upstairs with me this weekend,
her room is full of delights.

Carolyn White, one of our favorite contributors,
has so many fun wearables this year.

We even have a "Kids" section.

We've turned Susan's studio into our
Christmas Room.

It's filled with beautiful hand made ornaments,
stockings, napkins and more.

I hope you have plans to visit, if you are in our city.
It's a wonderful Holiday time.

Come see us!!!!