
Sunday, November 20, 2011


Two days down and one to go.
When we closed the doors last night at five
Susan and I ran to our favorite
Chinese restaurant
for some much needed down time.

Align Center
We have been very pleased with our
Fiber Arts and Holiday Show.
So many people have walked through
our front door...many finding something
they couldn't resist.

Our inventory has been greatly depleted,
which of course is a "good thing"
but that also means some major
re-merchandising f0r the last day.

Back at home with our bellies full Susan got started
the accounts and I got busy condensing
and freshening up our
weekend shop.
The red and teal that started the show on our focal table
was all but gone...blues are taking it's place
for the final day.

We still have some
pretty things.
Sometimes just moving them around
can really generate interest.

What was left of the red, landed on a
buffet in the dining room.

Some pieces that didn't get a lot of show
during the first two days
are finding a more dominant home for Sunday.


We open the doors back up in less than five hours.
Wish us luck.
After that...the tear-down
not a fun job!

Have a great Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see and hear that things went really well! Hope you sold most of what was left today!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
