
Monday, April 30, 2012


Just can't wait!

He is the most versatile actor I know.

The strangest to be sure.

If they were doing the
Nanniepannie story,
I would want 
Johnny Depp to play me.

Did I mention he can sing too?

When I was a teenager he thrilled
me on 21 Jump Street...
he still thrills me.

I'm not sure when 
"The Lone Ranger"
comes out but you can be sure
I'll be there!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I have to work at 3:30 today so I
was able to spend a little time
in the garden.

Hope I'm not jumping the gun, but I
just couldn't wait to plant some seeds.
Patience  has never been a strong suit
of mine so I said what the hay
and went ahead.

I never have great luck with seeds
but I keep on trying.

We'll just have to WAIT 
and see.

Happy Gardening!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


One of the great things about a 
rainy day, is how good the garden 
looks right afterwards.

I love to grab a cup of coffee and 
just stroll a around.

The greens look greener
and the yellows more yellow.
Everything is so vibrant.

I like to contemplate
what's next
on the never ending
gardening "to do" list.

Can't wait to get started!
Happy Gardening.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Last week after a little cold snap 
I was worried that my Clematis
would take a hit.

 I was lucky they all made it through.
This is my Candida Clematis.
It was planted about
 five years ago.

My purple Ramona has more blooms on it
this year than I can ever 

Carnaby Clematis.

 One more thing
 I wanted to show you.
The red geraniums that wintered in 
the basement are coming along fine.
They're getting green
 and one plant even
has a bud.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Last Summer I attended a
 neighborhood auction and purchased
these five cute little 
dove decoys.

I knew I wanted to use
 them in the garden
 but I wasn't quite sure how.
I had to noodle on it 

I decided to act on my sister's suggestion 
of painting each on a
 bright fun color.

I love it!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


We are officially open for business!
Today was the day Susan and I
loaded both our cars
to the max and headed over to
"The Corner Nest"
and set our booth.

 We started with bare walls and
two pieces of furniture.
A buffet Sue purchased for the booth
and a shelf I drugged out of my
gardening shed and gave a 
coat of paint.

We landed the shelf on top of the buffet
for a cupboard effect.

My contribution to the booth...
... mostly hand made or

I can tell you, a large percent of my wares
are all about "birds".
Bird Garlands.

Bird Plant Stakes.

Even Bird Wreaths.

I have other crazy things I've made,
like this sewing wreath.

I put in my hat forms that unfortunately 
did not sell at our Holiday Show.

Of course I've included my
latest creation, my
Tank Memory Boards.

So there you have it.
"The Gift Cupboard at Buttermilk Cottage".
Come see us soon,
we're located in the "Corner Nest"
in Elizabethton, Tn.

Linking with 

Friday, April 20, 2012


 Just five more days
 until my sister and I set up our booth at 
The Corner Nest
located in Elizabethton, TN
It's quite exciting for me,
 I've been staying very busy 
creating, pricing and logging
 all the things 
I will be taking next

One of our neighbors,
 Betty Ann,
makes these adorable stuffed Owls.
They are so sweet
 and colorful.
 When she ask if she could showcase
 a few in our booth,
we were happy 
to say yes.

She will be selling the large ones for $18
and the smaller ones for $8.

Come see for yourself, if you are a Tri-Cities resident.
Hopefully our booth will be up and running
by Friday May 27th,
even sooner
 if we're lucky.


 A quick walk through the garden with
a hot cup of coffee
before I have to dash off to work.

 The Clematis climbing on the 
garden shed are starting to wake up.

 I can't wait to see it at it's peak.

I love the garden
in the morning!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


God Bless everyone
Happy Easter

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Whenever I'm in the mood to
treasure hunt,
Corner Nest is one of the first places
I think of.

It is filled with wonderful booths.

has the sweetest little cafe
right inside the door,

and seems to go on forever
which makes for a great
afternoon of shopping.

Exciting News!
My sister Susan and I
just secured a small booth of our own.
Needless to say
I've been crafting like crazy.

One of the things I've been working on
is a line of memory boards.
I'm a big scavenger, I bring anything home that I think
can be re purposed.
When VS was getting rid of some padded tray liners...
I filled up my trunk.

I'm calling these my
Up-cycled "Tank" Memory Boards.

I pulled out bits and pieces
of this and that, just things I've been hanging on to
with hopes of an inspiration.

It's amazing what you can find when
you start going through your stash.

Postcards, old photos, broken beads
and necklaces.

I love mixing things you would never think to put together,
I'm just crazy like that.

Here's a fun one.
My tribute to the VS Fashion Show.
The great thing about all of these,
I didn't spend a dime.

These three "All Purpose Boards"
were crafted using
discarded upholstery samples.

Lastly, I did some vintage "shabby chic" ones.

Again I just used things I had in my stash.
Little puff hearts I had picked up from another
craft person's booth last year,
doilies from my late aunt.
Looking at one board,
I counted at least
five people's

Well, wish us luck.
I hope we make some money
but I know will have some fun.

Linking this week with:

Savvy Southern Style