
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Whenever I'm in the mood to
treasure hunt,
Corner Nest is one of the first places
I think of.

It is filled with wonderful booths.

has the sweetest little cafe
right inside the door,

and seems to go on forever
which makes for a great
afternoon of shopping.

Exciting News!
My sister Susan and I
just secured a small booth of our own.
Needless to say
I've been crafting like crazy.

One of the things I've been working on
is a line of memory boards.
I'm a big scavenger, I bring anything home that I think
can be re purposed.
When VS was getting rid of some padded tray liners...
I filled up my trunk.

I'm calling these my
Up-cycled "Tank" Memory Boards.

I pulled out bits and pieces
of this and that, just things I've been hanging on to
with hopes of an inspiration.

It's amazing what you can find when
you start going through your stash.

Postcards, old photos, broken beads
and necklaces.

I love mixing things you would never think to put together,
I'm just crazy like that.

Here's a fun one.
My tribute to the VS Fashion Show.
The great thing about all of these,
I didn't spend a dime.

These three "All Purpose Boards"
were crafted using
discarded upholstery samples.

Lastly, I did some vintage "shabby chic" ones.

Again I just used things I had in my stash.
Little puff hearts I had picked up from another
craft person's booth last year,
doilies from my late aunt.
Looking at one board,
I counted at least
five people's

Well, wish us luck.
I hope we make some money
but I know will have some fun.

Linking this week with:

Savvy Southern Style


  1. Oh- I am wishing you a ton of luck! What a fun thing to do...and I hope you make a pile of money doing it! xo Diana

  2. Hi Nannie, How exciting, best of luck to you in your new venture! Looks like you're already having tons of fun creating. I love your memory boards. I'm sure they will be a big seller. Warm Hugs,

  3. Good luck with your booth! I have one too but it's for vintage to antique items. Love the look of the place you'll be located. Where is this???
    Ladybug Creek

  4. Hello! I love your memory boards, and I think you are going to do great selling them.
