
Saturday, September 4, 2010


When we moved into our home about five years ago it came with a small tan

metal out-building we call our gardening shed.

It was very generic, very blah, very ugly.

We decided the best thing to do was to try and camouflage it because we absolutely needed the space for our gardening tools, outdoor grill, bird seed, etc.

We added some wood lattice and have been trying to cover it with various climbers. It looks much better, from this angle anyway, but I do still have a case of garden shed envy. Every time I open a gardening magazine that features a cute little gardening shed, I start to drool.

Sometimes I think I'd like something whimsical.

At other times maybe something rough and rustic.

Or maybe sweet and cute.

It might not even be a shed at all, just a space that represents
my personality.

I'm pretty sure I'd want color.

I know I would want something inviting and big enough that I could see whats what.

This one could possibly have my name on it.

No, maybe this one.

This is the shed for me, rustic, yet charming and not too perfect.

But then again who knows what my little tan outbuilding will look like in five more years

when it has become entangled with sweet ivy, clematis, and all kinds of other blooming climbers.

All images, with the exception of the first one are compliments of

Google Image.

Happy Gardening!


  1. The shed pictures you posted were cute - You can make yours into something to envy, I'm sure. Elbow grease by the case is sometimes necessary for a project of any size!

  2. I vote for the periwinkle blue one!

  3. Those are O so cute! That would be so hard to pick just 1!

    Have a Great Weekend!

  4. They are all so pretty! Thank you for sharing your collection.
    Happy week ahead :)


  5. All of them are lovely but the pink one had truly got my attention. For sure my daughter will consider it as a playhouse since pink is her fav color. ~
