
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Meet Johnny Cole. Johnny is our yard guy, we inherited him from the previous owner, and I'm so very glad we did. Johnny mows our yard every week as needed, for we do not own a mower. I've never met anyone as good natured and helpful as our Mr. Cole. He is a bit challenged, but that has never slowed him down. He's such a hard worker and always stays busy with yard work and odd jobs within the neighborhood. John rides his bike everywhere, he does not drive or read. Last week Johnny had a birthday, we snapped this picture in celebration.
Here is whats blooming in our East Tennessee garden now.

Rose of Sharon
Four O clocks
(pink, yellow and white)

My Clematis has had another go.

One of my favorite Fall flowers, Autumn Clematis.

This monster is actually three plants combined,

Forsythia, Wild Honeysuckle, and my favorite Autumn Clematis.
Another treasure we inherited from the previous owners.

Isn't it lovely?

Still some color on the back patio, thanks to our pots.

These cushions were an unexpected gift from a friend last week.
I love them, they are perfect with the colors of the back yard.
Thanks Maryann!

In the front yard our Lantana is, as always spectacular.

We mixed the red and yellow this year.

Happy gardening everyone.


  1. Cat Got You Tongue painting is lovely,
    add blond hair and paint the kitty
    white with a bit of calico patching
    and and you would have my dear Maggie
    grabbing my tongue. Maggie and I were
    laying on the bed, I stuck my tongue
    out quickly and bam she grabbed it with
    her sharp little claws. I never did that
    again nor did she.

  2. You are truly blessed to have John tending to
    your garden, which btw is over the top beautiful.

  3. I have been outside cutting back my cast iron plant with all the sunburnt edges. Hope it comes back before winter. I love the colors on your patio. We inherited our yard guy too.

  4. HELLO!
    First, thank
    you so much for
    stopping by P&H.
    I love your blog!
    And, I love Autumn
    Clematis, as well.
    Mine is full of buds
    and just waiting to
    burst forth...Every
    year I worry that
    it won't come back ~
    it's given me a few
    scares and not popped
    up until almost JUNE!
    But, in nearly 10 years,
    it hasn't failed me, yet.
    Happy b-day to your Johnny.
    I need a Johnny!
    xx Suzanne

  5. Hi!
    Thanks for linking up, I, too, am grateful for my garden, and I would be VERY grateful for my own "Johnny" to help me in it. That would be wonderful!
    Love your lush, southern garden - just lovely.
    Heidi - Heart and Home
