
Saturday, July 30, 2011


Susan and I took a little road trip yesterday to
Abingdon Virginia.
in my opinion is a
near perfect
small town.

It's home to the "Barter Theater",
"Martha Washington Inn",

and countless Bed & Breakfasts.

Every year around this time they have their
"Virginia Highlands Festival".

It is quite an event around these parts.
Artist and craftsmen come from all over
the US to sell their treasures.

I purchased this colorful
pottery wren house from one of the vendors.
It has found a home between my upstairs
bathroom windows.

This hummingbird feeder pole
was made by "Hunt Country Iron"
The artist came all the way from
coastal Georgia.
Now I need to find (or make) the
perfect hummingbird feeder.

The last item I brought home
is this adorable cat birdbath.
I found it at one of the local antique shops
when we ducked in to cool off.

Hope you are having a great weekend.
Happy Gardening.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Three blocks from where I live
some folks got together
and created a community garden.

I drive by it from time to time,
but this Sunday I took a stroll
down the street for a closer look.

I'm not sure who owns the lot
or even how many people are involved,
but it is quite impressive.

There are all sorts of green things growing.

I don't know much about vegetable gardening,
but I do know I would like to
partake of its fruits.

This was one of my favorite plots.
Love the whimsey of the
gloves on the stakes.

I think this is smelled wonderful.

Some kind of squash, I think.

Happy Gardening.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


What a relaxing morning!
How nice is it not to have to go into
work until one thirty?

A steaming cup of coffee.

Fresh tomatoes from the local
Farmers Market down the street.

A dog that only wants to be by
your side.

A bouquet of fresh flowers
you grew yourself.

Simple's a good life.

What makes your life special?

Monday, July 25, 2011


Now that the "Garden Tour" is history
I thought I would highlight a few of the other
gardens on the tour.

This one belongs to Wanda and George Buda.

Right outside Wanda's back door is a refreshing
water feature her son helped her build.

Whimsical accessories and lush foliage
along her back fence.

A couple of houses down, Don and Holly Johnson
show off their tiny backyard.
The watering can is very appropriate,
Don is a big advocate for rain barrels.
In fact he made me one.
You can read about it here.

Don's shed/garage/workroom.

I'm thinking this handmade leaf accessory was
a gift to Don and Holly from
Wanda because she has given me one.
I love it!

Another small space that packs
a big punch is
John Gardner's front yard garden.
I did a post on it last year.
Read it here.
He's the King of whimsy!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I had an amazing day yesterday.
It was a perfect ending to my week of vacation.
The "Garden Tour" went off without a hitch.
Got some wonderful responses.

When it was all over Susan and I headed across the
ally for an estate auction that was going on
in the neighborhood.
Check out my treasures.

I'm loving these vintage garden trowels.

My mind is just whirling with what I might do
with these dove decoys.
I picked up the saw horses too.

I've already found a home for my
small, metal, child's chair.

I spent a little over $50.
Not bad for an afternoon of
sheer delight.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Pour yourself a cup of coffee and
step into my world.
Please enter.

Linking with
Fertilizer Friday @
Tootsie Time.

Friday, July 22, 2011


There's a cool cat party going on over at
Confessions of a Plate Addict.
They're celebrating Baby Kitty's
This is what I'll be wearing around my neck...
I am the ultimate "Cat Freak".

When do you have too much
of something you love?

I have cats on my bed.

Cats on my couch.

Cats where I blog.

Cats on the walls.

More cats on the walls.

And yes, even more cats on the walls.

Cat plates.

Cats in front of the door.

Cats on the porch.

Cats in the garden.

Cats for Christmas.

I had so many cat ornaments, I had to make
wreaths out of them and sell them at
our Holiday Show.

I can't help myself I love
cool cats
that's why I'm heading over to
the "cool cat party"
at Confessions of a Plate Addict.

My "cool cat" Dixie will be my date.
1st. image found on Google
Party Pooper
Shelly Wilkerson