Last night as the sun was going down
it started to rain
and rain
and rain some more!
Before we knew it
our little downtown area was flooded
and so was our basement.
Susan and I scrambled into action.
two thirds of the basement
was already ankle deep in water
so we threw everything we could
into the third
that was dry.
We set up card tables
to empty out some of the
hardest hit boxes.
that had been sitting
on the ground
had already soaked up
quite a bit of
What a mess!
We have been storing
much of my niece's things
some of her precious belongings
were the hardest hit.
Art and books...
oh my.
This morning we were up by six
trying so salvage
what we could.
Some things made it through fine,
others, not so lucky.
We both worked all day
cleaning, sorting, washing,
what could be saved.
At the end of the day
we had to say goodbye to much.
But then much was saved as well.
Live and learn!
everything on the ground
is now air tight
and all valuables
off the floor.
Thank God in Heaven
we had a sump-pump
and were able to sweep all the water into that.
The fans are still blowing
and will be
through the night
and then some.
First sunny day we get this
bad boy will need to be
shampooed and
What's the good in all this?
We were able to recover
in a days time,
I'm sure many won't be as lucky.
Hey, and we now have a
clean and organized
Life is still GOOD!